In the fast-paced world of property technology, there’s a common misconception that always opting for the cheapest software solution is the smartest move. However, this approach may be short-sighted and potentially harmful to the long-term health of the PropTech sector. Let’s explore why paying fair prices for software is not just a business decision, but a moral imperative for industry progress.

When we consistently choose the lowest-priced option, we’re often getting exactly what we pay for – outdated technology, minimal support, and little to no ongoing development. This “money for old rope” approach might save a few quid in the short term, but it can lead to significant costs down the line:

  1. Reduced efficiency and productivity
  2. Increased security risks
  3. Lack of integration with newer technologies
  4. Higher training and onboarding costs due to poor user experience

On the flip side, when we pay a fair price for software, we’re investing in:

  • Continuous product improvement
  • Regular security updates
  • Responsive customer support
  • Integration with other cutting-edge technologies

These benefits don’t just improve our own operations; they contribute to the overall advancement of the UK PropTech sector.

There’s a moral dimension to this issue that we often overlook. By consistently undervaluing software, we’re:

  1. Discouraging innovation in the sector
  2. Potentially pushing talented developers away from PropTech
  3. Creating an unsustainable business model for software companies

This isn’t a call to pay inflated prices for mediocre products. Rather, it’s an invitation to consider the value proposition of the software we’re purchasing. When selecting a software answer to an analogue problem, try asking yourself:

  • Does this price point allow for ongoing development and support?
  • Is the company able to invest in research and innovation at this price?
  • Are we contributing to a sustainable ecosystem in UK PropTech?

As stakeholders in the UK PropTech industry, we have a responsibility to foster an environment of innovation and progress. This means moving beyond the “cheapest is best” mentality and recognising the true value of well-developed, continuously improved software solutions.

By paying fair prices, we aren’t just buying a product – we’re investing in the future of our industry. It’s time to stop settling for old rope and start fuelling the engines of innovation in UK PropTech.